spinning wheel

英 [ˈspɪnɪŋ wiːl] 美 [ˈspɪnɪŋ wiːl]

n.  纺车(旧时的简易纺纱机,有一大轮,用脚操纵)



  1. 纺车(旧时的简易纺纱机,有一大轮,用脚操纵)
    a simple machine that people used in their homes in the past for twisting wool, etc. It has a large wheel operated with the foot.


    1. (旧时家用的)纺车
      A spinning wheel is a wooden machine that people used in their homes to make thread from wool, in former times.


      1. The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.
      2. The invention of the wheel has been pivotal for technology in general, setting the foundation for future developments such as the water wheel, the cogwheel, and the spinning wheel.
      3. An example of this might be a function that shows a spinning wheel image somewhere on your page.
      4. She pushed the door open and went into the room. There, in the middle, sat an old woman working at a spinning wheel.
      5. "It is a spinning wheel," said the old women," Would you like to try it my dear?"
      6. Defroster, windscreen with electric resistors ( excl. those for motor vehicles) a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction.
      7. The king forbade all the people to bring a spinning wheel into the palace or even talk about spinning.
      8. International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists She was sitting at a spinning wheel, spinning silken threads of many colors.
      9. We call this motion of the stool, and in this case the motion of the spinning wheel, we call that precession.
      10. Gyroscope: A mechanical gyroscope consists of a rapidly spinning wheel set in a framework that permits it to tilt freely in any direction or to rotate about any axis.
      11. But that cannot be because if the wheel would be spinning like this, then the angular momentum of the spinning wheel is in this direction.
      12. She was sitting at a spinning wheel, spinning silken threads of many colors.
      13. One day she will try to spin at a spinning wheel and when she does, the spindle will prick her finger and she will fall dead at once.
      14. An Asphalt Spinning Wheel: Material Object Witness of the Use of Solid Petroleum in China during the Han Dynasty
      15. Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel, you bet a number on the electronic layout.
      16. This is his childhood house, his mother's spinning wheel.
      17. In inertial guidance systems, you have a spinning wheel, at least in the days that the guidance systems had mechanical wheels.
      18. So you apply a torque to a spinning wheel.
      19. One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game. Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel, you bet a number on the electronic layout.
      20. When they saw the lovely princess lying dead on the floor beside the spinning wheel, they knew that the evil witch's curse had worked.
      21. Mahatma Gandhi used to think that we should stop technology at the point where the spinning wheel was invented.
      22. Production tools to the more developed the ground-based stone, a common knife, ax, Ben, chisel, arrows, stone used in the textile spinning wheel, and so on.
      23. So the moment that you put a torque on it, the housings in this case, the yellow and the black housing will start to rotate, and you never managed to get that torque on the spinning wheel.
      24. You have to make them on a spinning wheel.
      25. You have a spinning wheel, but that spinning wheel is mounted in such a way that you cannot put a torque on the axis of rotation of the spinning wheel.
      26. Each kinds of main cable erection manner has a corresponding hauling system: the wire is hauled by spinning wheel in air spinning erection manner and the hauling system operates in loop way.
      27. Spinning wheel, mandrel and blank model designed in the three-dimensional modeling software UG were imported into the finite element analysis software Deform for numerical simulation.
      28. When the mandrel speed is too high or too low or spinning wheel speed is too large, variable cross-section tubeless steel wheel rim formed parts will have the defects.
      29. Self-defined protocol is used to realize the transmission of all kinds of data, the data collection of digitizer, the working parameters of the spinning wheel and button status are opened by thread respectively to ensure real time data transmission.
      30. A detailed description of the spinning wheel and the loom parts material, shape, size and other textile machinery parts; about the corresponding to the specific method of operation and attention, we should be paid to the details and key links.



      1. a small domestic spinning machine with a single spindle that is driven by hand or foot